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Love suffers long; love is kind; it is not jealous. Love does not brag and is not puffed up; It does not behave unbecomingly and does not seek its own things; it is not provoked and does not take account of evil; It does not rejoice because of unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; It covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never falls away. But whether prophecies, they will be rendered useless; or tongues, they will cease; or knowledge, it will be rendered useless.
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
I love Jesus!
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
The church is a corporate vessel with which God could mingle Himself and all that He has. The three persons of the Godhead are for the dispensing of God in His Divine Trinity into humanity so that the church may come into existence.
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
The church in Gods economical plan is composed of regenerated and transformed human beings who are coordinated and built together as a corporate Body.
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
To participate in the recovery of the church! we need to know intrinsically what the church is!
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
For a Christian, the first step toward growth in the spiritual life is to see God. When a person sees God, he sees himself at the same time. No one who lives in the presence of the Lord is self-assured. The more a person sees light, the more he lives in fear and trembling. Pauls attitude was always one of fear and trembling. This should be the attitude of every Christian. A Christian should not trust in himself. Only those who confess their sins are living in Gods light; they are the ones who are not walking in darkness.
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
What is darkness? Darkness means the ignorance of sin. Those who are in darkness are oblivious to sin. The more a person sees light, the more he knows sin, and the more sensitive his feelings are toward sin. God is light, and He dwells in the light (1 John 1:5, 7). As soon as a man comes into the light, the light exposes all that he is. God is light, and light enables us to know ourselves.
Penang, Penang, Malaysia
GOD IS LIGHT Those who boast that they are right are surely not in the light. In 1904 and 1905 the greatest known revival in church history occurred in Wales, England. Evan Roberts was instrumental in bringing in this revival. He once asked his congregation when was the last time they confessed their sins to others. Some said that it had been over five years, while others said that it had been over ten years ago. Then he told them that those who had not recently confessed were fallen, while those who had made a recent confession were living in the light. At that time Mr. Roberts was only twenty-eight years old, and some despised him for his age. The problem does not lie in our mistakes. The problem lies in the fact that when we make mistakes, we do not recognize them as mistakes. This proves that we lack Gods light. The starting point of the Christian life is the enlightening of God. The more we draw near to God, the more we will see light, and the more we will be humbled and conscious of our sins.
Penang, Penang, Malaysia
WHAT IS LIGHT? What is the meaning of light? The Old Testament does not tell us what light is. But in the New Testament, Ephesians 5:13 speaks of light. This is the only instance in the entire Bible that speaks of the function of light. This is why I treasure this verse. Light is that which makes manifest the hidden things. There is no need for a person to search for light. Once he comes into the light, he is enlightened by it, and the light searches him. Light functions by making the hidden things manifest. Light is that which exposes the hidden things. Being enlightened is having the hidden things exposed. When a man is under the light, it is not strange for him to realize his sins; rather, it is strange for him to sin and remain oblivious to it. As long as you are a regenerated person, God will surely speak to you and shine on you. You will not do anything that is contrary to human decency or the biblical standard of morality. God shines His light on those who are regenerated. But we must obey and take heed to Gods commands, the enlightening of the Spirit, and the inner leading of the Lord.
Penang, Penang, Malaysia
First John 1:5-7 shows us two things. First, God is light, and second, God dwells in the light. If God were not light, man would not know sin. At the same time, because God dwells in the light, man can see God.
Penang, Penang, Malaysia
Outside (the city of God) are the dogs... and everyone who loves and makes a lie. (Revelation 22:15)
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Let him who is unrighteous do unrighteousness still,... and let him who is righteous do righteousness still...
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Glory be to God! Praise the Lord! Amen
Wong Jyh How
Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with the saints of the church in Bintulu and all the saints. Amen.
Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Lord Jesus!
Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Praise the Lord for the lampstand set up in Seberang Prai; we are in the body of christ, ハレルヤ amen
Ho Mee Yin
Tokyo, Japan
Dear Saints, The Church in Seberang Prai Hall 3 (Nibong Tebal) will be having its first Lord’s Table Meeting on 30th of October, 2011 (10am). Please pray for the event. If you would like to attend please contact Brother Kok Chai or Brother Cheah Hean Eng.
BM, Seberang Perai, Penang, Malaysia
Believe Christ!!! The more we enjoy Christ and we’ll have more Christ growing in us. Brothers, sisters, we are those who believe and experience Christ as our life.
Eng Li
Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Amen, Praise the Lord! He really is the all-inclusive Christ. We are here for God’s purpose, for the building of the New Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!
Andreu Dareen
Goa, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Amen! Halleluiah, Hosanna in the Highest! Amen!
Andrew Buena
Goa, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Amen! Praise the Lord! We saints are blending the whole world for Gods Eternal Economy! Amen.
Rowena Buena
Goa, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Hallelujah for the golden lampstand in Alor Star, Kedah. On 19th September, 2010, 451 saints, including children, were in this state capital for a blending conference and the first Lord’s table meeting. Hallelujah for the Body, for the lampstands of the Body! There is one Body in the universe, and we express it here on earth! What a glorious testimony! Glory be to the Triune God, Amen!
Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia
Amen Praise the Lord for the one Body of Christ express in the local churches amen.
Church in Dipolog city
Kevin Lee
Dipolog City, Zamboanga Del Norte, Philippines
Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth! For Your love is better than wine. Your anointing oils have a pleasant fragrance; Your name is like ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love You. The Campus Blending in PJ was most enjoyable. We love because He first loved us. (1 Jn. 4:19)
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
The church is not merely a gathering of the called ones,,, The church is something organic. It is the organic Body of Christ. Every person needs a body. Christ is a great person; thus , He needs a great Body. Christ is so great that He fills all in all. He fills the whole universe. Eph 1:22-23 "...and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all,"
Chew Jane Li
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
"If our organic faculties, whether physical or spiritual, are not exercised for a long period of time, they lose their function. The reason for not being able to preach the Gospel is that we do not try or learn to speak. Although we cannot speak [well], we still should speak. Then, the more we speak, the more we can speak, and the more we can speak, the more we like to speak,"
Sis. Tor Siong Hoon
Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia
Education is essential for a Christian. We should take this matter seriously...Don’t think that loving God is enough, Ya, indeed it is the most important thing we need to do, but God also need a group of people who are educated and well versed with His words—a group of people of the likes of Ezekiel and Joshua and many more. Brother and sisters, we need to become today’s Ezekiel and Joshua to be used by the Lord as vessels, as instruments to turn the age. Brothers and sisters, my point is that we don’t need to have double degrees in whatsoever field, neither a PHD nor doctorates, not that is not needed, that’s not what I meant. Ya, it will be indeed a surplus if you can obtain yourself a PHD, But...brothers and sisters, what God really desire is that you educate yourself with His words, His word WILL not perish, even until to the very last day;.but all the things in this world (cars, housing, estates, lots of money, relationship, and many more), they all are perishables....they will fade away slowly day by day...what for if you gained the whole world but you lose your soul life??
Chu Ern
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Brother and sisters,a few weeks ago, I went to a youth preparatory training in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia..It was mainly made for the youth ranging from 16-19years old (most graduated from their high schools or are pursuing studies in colleges). I learned a lot from there..it was great EXPERIENCE. The leading Brothers there spoke about HOW should a christian behave themselves..
1. By purification Purification is a work of life..No one in this universe is pure and innocent other than God Himself. We are all stained by the worldly things and worldly pleasures..Will God be pleased to see us in the after life like this?? Take it as an example, won’t a husband get mad and/or outraged when he found out that the wife he just married was not a virgin?? So, it is the same principle as with this one. What God desires is that we all should have a pure and innocent heart to God, only to HIm, nothing else can take away his position in your heart.. ... love God with your whole mind, soul and your inner strength..We all should learn to abstain from all those unclean things that will defile us...the practice of abstinence is very crucial and extremely important in a Christian’s life...
Chu Ern
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayh Persekutuan, Malaysia
The work of the priests of the gospel is very extensive, from leading people to salvation to nourishing and perfecting them until they are able to prophesy for the Lord that others may receive the life supply and the dispensing of Christ. May the Lord grant us His visitation in this matter.
Bro. Chew Aak Chyuan
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
I’m very weak and some time felt myself lost in darkness... I need the Lord to protect me and take care of me enabling me to find out the light and empowering me.. Lord, take me on...
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Thank the Lord for guiding me throughout all these years. Although I am a Christian, I still make unnecessary mistakes which can be avoided if I can just depend solely on the Lord, but I did not do that, I still like to indulge in my own self. I admit that I have a lot of flaws and not only me, but all of us are sinners saved by grace. Lastly I hope that my whole being can be transformed into God’s likeness in His life and nature very very soon. So, plz God, have a move in me.
Chu Ern
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Saya tersentuh dengan kesungguhan dan keperihatinan penyebar luas injil di kapit yang membawa percayawan disana kejalan pengetahuan penyelamatan yang sepenuh. Berdoa Tuhan terus melaksanakan rancangan ekonomi kekal-Nya. Amen.
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
I love Jesus because He loves us first. I was so blind before I was saved by Jesus, but the truth have set me free from Satan. Today my heart is more turn to Him and the veil is taken away. I am praying for a race in Malaysia that is veiled by Satan until today to be set free from religious duty so that Jesus is glorified!
Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Praise the Lord coz, that we are in church life n keep continue enjoy Christ as our life supply. We eat Christ, drink Christ and enjoying Christ!!!! Saya begitu tersentuh dgn kasih Kristus yg membawa saya dgn lebih dalam lagi utk nikmati pembauran bersama dikbang dan dikak yang sentiasa membawa aliran hayat Kristus yang almuhit...
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Hope that I can find eternal joy in God’s economy.
Chu Ern Lim
KL, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Oikonomia. We are in the body of Christ. And, we stand in the oneness body of Christ as members of the body.
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Brothers and sisters, let us enjoy this wonderful and all-inclusive Christ together!
Darrell King
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The church in Kinta Selatan is now The church in Kampar. This is by virtue of the fact that on 21 May 2009, the Sultan of Perak has publicly announced the change of Majlis Daerah Kinta Selatan to Majlis Daerah Kampar, MDKampar or MDKpr.
Admin, Admin, Malaysia
I’m a Malaysian brother who is stucked in Indonesia by the Lord’s arrangement. Christ is everything to me. Whenever I fell stressful in my medical study, I’ll turn myself to Him, I’ll let Christ work Himself into me. I shall walk by the Spirit. I introduced the Lord’s Recovery to 15 Malaysian Christian friends of mine in Medan. I’ve been sharing Witness Lee’s message to them in their meeting. May they know the truth and live out the truth. I’m eager to join the FTTMY.
Joshua Chin
, Medan, Indonesia
Truth is the Triune God Himself therefore being absolute for the truth and being constituted with the truth is to be constitued with the divine reality which is the essence of the Triune God Himself.
Sister Daisy Liew
Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia
We are all one...BODY OF CHRIST...we are the sons of God. We must eat Christ everyday in order to gain Him.. Talk more about God...add me in my msn,,,godmanron@hotmail.com.. supply more life...
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
So blessed to be able to accompany the saints from Phi for the trip around Selangor. All the way through, seeing how spontaneous they are in speaking forth Christ, in praising the Lord, in prayers and hymns singing...really enjoyed their overflowing of Christ and also their meekness and lowly humanity. The saints leading a simple life back there, but grabbing every opportunity to gain Christ and staying in the oneness in the Triune God. Some who are more affordable would go regularly for international blending, those who are not that rich would stick themselves to the training center (since the FTT is free over there), joining the training (one of the bro joined the FTT for 5 years!) or serving in propagations, broadcasting, campus, the young people!...it does not matter regarding the cost, go blending (come to Philippines...), they advised, it’s for the building up of the Body!
Mei Tee
Subang Jaya, Malaysia
My twin sister’s baptism on 28/9/2008. I never dared to think this day will come, praise the Lord for listening to my prayers..Oh Lord Jesus, I really love You, Amen...I enjoy the jubilee, Amen...
Koo Xue Ying
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
We are the body of Christ...to love Christ is to love the body also....God’s intention, desire, is that we all become overcomers,...What then is an overcomer...an overcomer is one who enjoys Christ...we must eat Him everyday,...and before eating Christ we must confess our sins...enjoy Christ! how wonderful~~~~~~^^
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Amen... PRAISE THE LORD to all my brothers & sisters in Malaysia.. Saints, wherever you are, even if you are out of my sight, even if we’re not together, even if you’re so far away from me, PLEASE REMEMBER, we’re still ONE SPIRIT WITH THE LORD AND WE STILL BELONG TO THE ONE UNIQUE UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST." Amen3x.. what a relationship we have with Christ!!
Sister Divine Grace Romaguera
Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, Philippine
I live very far from you - in Georgia, Caucasus. I am so happy that I’ve found so many brothers and sisters from Malaysia! I love you! Sister Sveta.
Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
Hi saints, ...the highest standard of morality is seen in the God-man living of Jesus...
Joo Bee Lee
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
We have been allotted faith within us as the divine portion and exceedingly great promises that we might become partakers of divine nature. The consummation of the development of divine nature is love. thus, we don’t need much strength or energy to love our enemies. Just enjoy the divine nature to the uttermost.
SJ, Selangor, Malaysia
Praise the Lord for His LOVE!
, Malaysia
Oh Halleujah! We are one in the Body!!!
Jasmine Lee
Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Praise the Lord for the MP3 Life-Study.... I enjoy the messages everyday while I drive to and back from work. Psalms 119:130 The opening of Your words gives light, imparting understanding to the simple.
Bayan Baru, Penang, Malaysia
John’s Epistles are great & awesome! "The fellowship of the eternal life, the flow of the eternal life within all the believers is the reality of living in the Body of Christ."
Joo Bee Lee
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
O Lord..I love You... I really love You... Without You life’s really nothing... You are so attracting.. And You are so charming... Your riches are unsearchable... Your name’s so dear and sweet.. Calling makes one satisfied.. Now You are mine and I am Thine, Lord! Joined and mingled with You .. God-man incorporation... Foretaste of the New Jerusalem...
I love this song... I love You, Lord!...
Cheng Jia En
Kinta Selatan, Perak, Malaysia
Let us go forth and preach Christ to all the creation... Proclaiming the gospel, presenting the truth, and ministering life... For the growth, developement and manifestation of the Kingdom of God!
Dunedin, NZ
The recent Winter Training was marvelous. Every word spoken confirmed God’s economy in the Gospel of Mark. We need to get into the high truths, for the peak of the Divine Revelation affords us the highest seeing of every points in the Bible. Before, we see the Lord’s service in a different way, now we see it with God’s Economy.
Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
A priest who serves God is one who express the virtues of holiness toward God and righteousness toward man.
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
To have the vision is one thing, to have the knowledge of the Bible is another thing, and to have a heart for the living Christ is still another thing. We all need to pray, “Lord, give me a heart for You. I want to see the vision and I want to know the Bible. But even more, I want to have a heart that seeks You.” Whenever we find Christ and meet Him, we are always told not to return to the original way. Finding Christ and meeting Him always turns us to another way. Christ is the living star. He is always shining. If we take heed to this sure word, something within us will dawn, and the daystar will arise in our hearts. To take heed to the sure word is to pay attention to the living Word. It is not just to read the Word; it is to enter into the Word until something arises within us. We must also go to the shining saints, the followers of Christ. If we go to them, we will receive light. We also will receive some leading, for they will lead us to the place where Christ is. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!
, Dunedin, New Zealand
The goal of the Lord’s recovery today is to recover this ministering of Christ by all the believers so that the church may be built up...For us all to be church builders, to minister Christ for the building up of the church, we need a ministering life. In order to be new covenant ministers we need such a ministering life. We need to live a life of ministering Christ to others for the church. Cherishing and nourishing people should be by the divine and mystical life in resurrection (with the Lord’s presence as the charming factor) not by our natural life. "For us to live a life to day, we need 1st to die daily, take up the cross, for the losing of our soul life. This is the only way for us to experience the resurrection life within. Brothers and sisters this is wonderful! I’m so much touch with this because it’s so hard for me to die (temper, human nature, etc.). Today I really need to keep my mind in spirit (although sometimes not) but I need to do it for me to enjoy fully the all-inclusive Christ within. For me it is the very best to have a spiritual child that I can shepherd, feed, teach, cherish and nourish as what Christ did (not in my natural way) until the time he/she grow and mature. HALLELUJAH! WHAT A WONDERFUL THIS TRUINE GOD IS WITHIN US!
Glory Hope Agbon
Cebu City, Philippines
What a blessed revelation we have of God’s eternal economy! The churches in Malaysia and throughout the earth is a testimony of the divine move according to the divine economy. May the Lord give us such a spirit of wisdom and revelation to receive the truly tremendous revelation of Christ and His fullness the church, and may He further enlighten us in the eyes of our heart to fully apprehend this all-inheriting, all-encompassing revelation (Eph. 1:17-18). May the Lord in these last days grant the reality of the Body of Christ to the churches in Malaysia, that many in Malaysia would be prepared as the corporate Bride of Christ to bring Him back!
Isaiah Tor
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Kita memerlukan Kristus diwahikan dalam kita, Kristus hidup dalam kita, Kristus dibentuk dalam kita, dan kita juga memerlukan Kristus diperbesar dalam kita.
Dikbang Wai Lee
Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Praise the Lord for prayer. One of the best gift given by the Lord is our right to pray. Prayer is the only link that connect us directly to God. Pray, whatever we do. Especially when we read the Bible, prayer-read will convert the word into spirit to dwell in us. The more we are filled with the spirit, the more we gain God in us. Ultimately, we will be an expression of God on earth.
Warren Soh
Penang, Malaysia
Be prepared for the Lord’s coming, for the Lord is going to snatch us like a thief with a speed of lightning. Brothers and sisters, we must always know that Lord is coming soon. For the unprepared ones, pray to Lord Jesus so that He can prepare us. Saints that are prepared, always pray for His coming. Amen.
Paul Khaw
Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
Hallelujah! It is so great to be in Kinta Selatan with the saints and it is joyful to submit to the Lord.
Living Lily sojourning at
Kinta Selatan, Perak, Malaysia
"Bible Wasiat Baru" adalah diantara bible yang paling saya minat membaca dan isi kandungannya adalah mudah difahami dan senang dirujuk. Jadi apalah tungguh lagi, beri senaskhah dan kongsi kegirangan dengan mereka yang sedang mencari kebenaran! Tapi yang penting saya sendiri bacanya setiap hari dan ia diibaratkan makanan rohani saya, tanpanya saya lesu, ia tanpa saya bisu.
Lee Kok Chai
Tanjong Bungah, Penang, Malaysia
As we become the same as Christ in life, nature, expression, and function, we are qualified to work with Him for His Body. As we trust in the Lord helplessly, depend on Him as our love and strength, and listen to His speaking, our hope is to be raptured through the redemption of our body. And our prayer is, "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Second Banner of the Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians and Cong of Songs Chapters 7 & 8).
Joyce Lee
Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E., Malaysia
The messages on the crystallisation study of 1&2 Thessalonians and Song of Songs 7&8 are so wonderful. We need to see a vision of the Church: the church is in the processed Triune God. We need to established our heart blameless in holiness. Be sanctified holy with our spirit, soul and body preserved complete, and our prayer is "Come! Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, Come!!"
David, Ezra, Moses, Alex, Anna, Grace
The Church in Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
I’m so glad that I went to the youth training last week. It was one of the most enjoyable moments of my life. I want to thank all the saints that guide us and prayed for us. Praise the Lord for His words. May God be with you always and forever.
, KL, Malaysia
Hallelujah for the perfecting training.... May the Lord remember our consecration before Him. Lord, preserve our consecration to be genuine consecration before you. Not only so, may we live a consecration life, and walk the consecration way. Not only do we need to be burning in spirit thoughout the training, may we be burning in spirit together with all the saints all the way to the New Jerusalem! May the Lord greatly bless Malaysia! Gospelize Malaysia, gospelize mainland China, gospelize the whole world! May we be those who rise up to answer the Lord’s calling. Saints, let us be the the people used by the Lord to end this age and usher in the kingdom of God!
Ampang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Saints, please pray for perfect training.... May the Lord strengthen His speaking to everyone who attends it to fulfill His purpose. Praise Him!
Selangor, Malaysia
Hi brothers Praise the Lord. It’s marvelous to see what the Lord is doing. Praise the Lord for his recovery. Samson Solomon
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
During the last message in CNY conference, Bro. Edmark gave us 5 practical points to exercise whenever we come to the Word or to the ministry: 1. Open your being to the Lord, tell the Lord, "O Lord Jesus, I love You!" 2. Seek the Lord with your whole heart (Psalms119:2). 3. Deal with anything that causes separation between us & God. 4. Humble yourself before the Lord (Isa.66:2). 5. Exercise your spirit to pray over the Word and exercise your whole being to consider the Word of God (Psalms 119:15-16).
Mary Yong
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Hallelujah for the Chinese New Year Conference which was held in Subang Jaya! It was truly very rich. I’m touched by the brothers’ burden: we need to read the Bible & the word of the ministry everyday in order to be innoculated against the decline of the church so that we can also innoculate others. May we seek for the Lord’s mercy and grace to be consistent in reading His Word. Amen!
Mary Yong Hui Ping
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Praise the Lord! Our Lord needs us to be inoculated against the decline of the church. Inoculation is the processed Triune God, Christ Himself. We need to be inoculated by Lord Himself, our spirit need to be stirred up and we must exercise our spirit to become the inoculator! We have to come to the Lord’s word and word of ministry everyday!
Phyllis Guek
Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
In nothing be anxious, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petiton, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every man’s understanding, will guard your hearts, will guard your thoughts, in Christ Jesus. -Phillipians 4:6-7
Ampang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
I need You Jesus, more and more each day. Lord, I can’t live without You, not even for a moment. Be my all and in all.
Ampang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Whether we live or we die... We are the Lord’s!... We do not belong to ourselves, We do not belong to the world,... We belong to the Lord!
Christine Tan
Ampang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Keperluan Intrinsik dalam Pemulihan Tuan ialah penyucian, pendidikan, penkonstitutan semula, pengasingan, perlindungan dan ekspresi! Kita memerlukan sabda Tuhan dan juga Roh-Nya untuk memenuhi keperluan intrinsik ini. Kita perlu meluangkan lebih masa mendalami sabda tuhan dengan roh kita yang berlatih, sentiasa berada dalam roh berdao untuk dikhasiati! Supaya elemen tuhan iaitu hayat-Nya, sifat-Nya tetapi bukan ketuhanan-Nya dapat didispen ke dalam kita, untuk membina tubuh Kristus dan menkonsumat dalam Yerusalem Baru! Amen!
Elijah Lim
Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
The expression of life and the divine sounding are signs of the proper church life.
Joo Bee Lee
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Saints, our name is "To Me For You" !!!
Elijah Lim
Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
If the Lord have mercy on us, grant us to see the vision of the Body of Christ, we would have to testify that our poor situation (weakness, failure...) is just small matters. We should let the Lord to turn our focus from our situation to the building up of the Body of Christ. It means our life and thats the work of the ministry of the New Covenent which pleases God and accomplishes the goal of Gods Economy. Hallelujah!!!
Elijah Lim
Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
Eating is the way. As we eat, we are inwardly restored. Christ grows in us, grows to full.
Kurnia Kho
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
To you, dear Lord, I give myself afresh again, unsparingly for Your desire, Your economy. O fire, from above, come and consume me thoroughly, that You may be my all, my life, my everything. Its Your mercy and Your love that I can give myself to You, Since its in like manner that You gave up Yourself for me. Set Your throne in my heart, from now on to the very end. It takes eternity to know its worth, to You, to me.
Kuala Lumpur, W.P., Malaysia
The reality of resurrection is the Spirit. turn to your spirit where the Spirit is.
Engedi Leong
Gelugor, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Being Absolutely in Resurrection Life of Christ. Today we are the church in Christ resurrection. The church is Christly, Resurrectionly, and Heavenly. We all need to see the Vision.
Wong Uong Seng
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Always rejoice, unceasingly pray. Praise the Lord that He is the all-inclusive, extensive and preeminent One!
Lee Siew Bee
, Penang, Malaysia
The all-inclusive,extensive Christ desires to replace every element of our natural life and culture with Himself so that we may be the one new man as His corporate expression. Saints, let us open ourselves to enjoy Him as the reality of all positive things so that He might become our unique constituent for His expression. Hallelujah!
Mary Yong
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Rev: And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.... chapter 21:14
Wong Uong Seng
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Not all believers who have been redeemed through Christ will partake of Christ as a prize, as their rest, their satisfaction, only those who SEEK HIM DILIGENTLY.
David Chan Tze Min
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Yes! We are believers in Christ and by His faith!!! Believe God is Father--the source! The Son is the spring and the Spirit is the living!! Hallelujah! Jesus is the living Word of God.
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
May the Lord preserve us in His body as functioning members in the church. The life of self-denial, of bearing the cross, is the life that ushers in the kingdom. Dear saints, may we be those ushering in the kingdom.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have affliction, but take courage; I have overcome the world" May we all be preserved in prayer and fellowship. Praise the Lord for His Body and His Recovery on the earth today.
Eunice Yeong HY
Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Faith is to live unto the Lord and not look at our environment. Environments change, people change, but the Lord will never change. He is faithful, He is real. He can be experienced. He is the Living One in us. May we live by faith.
Kuala Lumpur, W. P., Malaysia
The faith in Christ by which we are justified is related to our appreciation of the person of the Son of God as the most precious One.
Mary Yong
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Through the Klang Valley Youth Blending, I was enlightened that we not only need to be believers. Even more, we need to be lovers of Christ. Satisfaction comes from loving the Lord by pursuing Him every day... O that thirst that gnawed me deep within, drove me looking for satisfaction......I was blind in trying many things, till I drank You as my living Spring...Lord I do love You, more every day. Lord, I do love You much more this very day.
Kuala Lumpur, W. P., Malaysia
i am just coming back from National Service. Hallelujah, that is God’s mercy that puts me in that situation.
Kok Ping Hun
Sitiawan, Perak, Malaysia
In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; And the peace of God, which surpasses every man
Tgh Bungah, Penang, Malaysia
"The entire Bible presents a picture that in the universe there is One who is. This One is God. He is triune, and He has been speaking throughout the generations. He has moved and is still moving in and according to His speaking. This move will consummate in the New Jerusalem. This is simple but all inclusive. The bible begins with the Triune God, and in consummates with the New Jerusalem." Hallelujah!
Mary Yong
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Wow, living an overcoming life by the law of the Spirit of life! The Triune God has been processed and consummated to become the installed God in our regenerate spirit! To overcome is spontaneous and automatic, as long as we walk according to the mingled spirit!
Joo Bee Lee
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. (Romans 8:26)
Tg. Bungah, Penang, Malaysia
In the Bible, pomegranates made of linen signify the fullness of life expressed in the church’s humanity. The sound of the bells was to warn the high priest not to be careless lest he die. That the bells were of gold signifies that the voice of warning in the church has its source in the church’s divinity.
Joo Bee Lee
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Dear saints, if we would live the life of the one new man, we need to take Christ as our person and as our life. The crucial question of our Christian life is not how/why/what we are doing but who is doing it! God desire Himself to be expressed through humanity and His intention is that we live Him and expressed Him.God is not after scattered Christians but he intends to gain a corporate group of God-man which will eventually be the one new man. In the new man we should take Christ as our person to make plans and to decide how we should live. By ourselves we can succeed in living the life of the one new man. Praise the Lord for we cant but Christ can. Let us take Christ as our Person to live the life of the one new man.
Ng Sue Kheng
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Cheah Chee Wah
Taipei Hall 10, Taipei, Taiwan
Saints, VCD Available for ordering: (1) Taiwan Gospel Bookroom Hymn Singing Presentation-USD10 per set (2 CDs) (2) An Introduction to the Three-Month Perfecting Training-USD5 per set (1 CD) (3) The Vision of Children Group-USD5 per set. For those interested, you may email asheschong@gmail.com
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Greetings from Toronto! I miss you all! If you have the time, do check out the website of the young people here in Toronto, at http://www.hymnal.net/churchkids Grace to you all!
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
In God’s economy there is no selfish enjoyment. The power of Christ’s resurrection is not for our individual enjoyment, but for the producing & building up of the Body of Christ.
Mary Yong
Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
Saints! We need to be rejoice in the Lord !!
Stulos Wong
Malacca, Malacca, Malaysia
Pursue Christ and gain Christ
Yip Ching Chuang
KL, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
We need to take Christ as our secret and everything.
KL, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Good news! VCD of Taiwan Gospel Bookroom serving ones hymn singing presentation is available for ordering, price is USD10 per set (new version, 2 CDs. Price excludes freight charges.). Those interested, please email asheschong@gmail.com
Ayer Itam, Penang, Malaysia
Mostly gladly therefore I will rather boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ might tabernacle over me.
Tg. Bungah, Penang, Malaysia
The more we enjoy Him, the more we will possess of Him.
Sis. Git Hua
Batu Maung, Penang, Malaysia
To have faith is to believe that God is and I am not. Amen!
Wai Lee
Bayan Baru, Penang, Malaysia
Praise the Lord! The two main materials of the priest’s garments, gold and linen, signify holiness in divinity and righteousness in humanity. Thus, the garments of the priests are the expression of holiness for glory and righteousness for beauty!
Joo Bee Lee
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Praise the Lord for we are the "young people" used by the Lord as a dispensational tool to turn this age. Let us all live the GOD-MEN living for the REALITY OF THE BODY OF CHRIST to bring the Lord back.
Ng Sue Kheng
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
The purpose of human life is the Body of Christ.
Ling Swee San
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure.
Chan Wei Lu
Malacca, Malacca, Malaysia
Hallelujah! the grace of God is God Himself in Christ as everything to us for our enjoyment !
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
The Triune God is so subjective to those who enjoy and experience Him through eating Him.
Lee Kok Chai
Tg. Bungah, Penang, Malaysia
In the church life our beauty is much more important to the Lord than our function...The Lord cares for is not our ability; He cares for the beauty of Himself expressed through our humanity.
Abu C
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Hallelujah We the redeemed and regenerated ones of God are the corporate warriors to defeat our enemy Satan. Despite of what happen we sit, walk and stand with Christ faithfully. Amen.
Daisy Liew
Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia
Redeeming your time, because the days are evil.
Stulos Wong
Malacca, Malacca, Malaysia
Praise the Lord for His eternal economy!
Racheal Tan
KL, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
"O Lord Jesus!" That’s the easiest way to let Him in.
Abu C
Ayer Itam, Penang, Malaysia
Hark! The last Adam has become the life-giving Spirit. If you would just open up your mouth and call with me, "O Lord Jesus," you will be saved! Bye.
Abu C
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
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